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Why this Blog Exists

Bible Study Blog

Purpose: I have always loved Bible study… ever since I was a little girl. When I was little, I used to dream about the day when I would grow up so that I could go to church every night of the week and hear all the different pastors. That’s part of who I am. So, one big purpose of this blog is to continue pursuing that passion.

My love of God has led me down some pretty adventurous paths in life, and there have been some pretty defining values concerning Bible Study that I have picked up along the way that I hope to reflect/implement in this blog:

1. After years of deliberate and honest study, questioning, discussion, and debate I have come  to the conclusion that I do believe that the Bible is the inspired Word of God; however, for the purposes of this blog, I will refrain from participating in arguments about the Bible. I believe that the most effective way of deciding for yourself whether or not you believe it is God’s Word is to study it for yourself (Inductively).

2. I believe that one of the most powerful ways to read the Bible is to slow down and ask the following questions (and, yes, I stole these questions from someone else… you can check out one of the most awesome Bible study ministries I ever heard of on this website: Simply The Story) :

  • Who did what in this passage?
  • Who said what in this passage?
  • What choices were made in this passage?
  • What other choices could have been made by these people?
  • What are some of the short term results of the choices that they made? 
  • What are some of the long term effects of the choices that were made? 
  • What do the actions of the people in this passage show me about their value system and/ or their spirituality?
  • What do God’s actions (or lack thereof) show me about God’s value system and/or who God is?

3. One of the most enjoyable things about Bible Study is building community with others.

4. Nobody’s theology (or interpretation) concerning the Bible is 100% perfect, so even if I disagree intensely with your theology, I will remain open to correction from the Holy Spirit. 


  1. Good Morning beautiful! Love your blog and that you are pursuing and sharing your passion with others :D


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