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God is patient!

"When the LORD saw that man's wickedness was widespread on the earth and that every scheme his mind thought of was nothing but evil all the time, the LORD [consoled Himself for having made] man on the earth, and He was grieved in His heart. Then the LORD said, "I will wipe off from the face of the earth mankind, whom I created, together with the animals, creatures that crawl, and birds of the sky -- for I [console myself for the wicked that has come from having] made them."  [Gen 6:5-7 HCSB]

*Most translations say that the LORD was sorry He had ever made humans (or regretted it), but the English translation is clunky. I looked up the original Hebrew word and it most often means "to console oneself." I chose to input this translation because it seems more in line with God's character (from my understanding).

  • Who did what? 
    • Humans had thoughts that were nothing but evil all the time. 
    • The Lord saw man's wickedness. 
    • The Lord consoled Himself over man's wickedness. 
    • God grieved over man's wickedness. 
    • God decided to destroy his own creation. 
  • What choices could have been made? 
    • Humans could have chosen to repent for their evil. Humans could have chosen to change. 
    • God could have chosen to turn in ignorance, not to care about man's wickedness. 
    • God could have chosen not to do anything about the wickedness. 
    • God could have chosen to do something about the wickedness earlier. 
  • Today, do we see any of these same things happening in our world? 
    • Today, I don't feel that we're at this level yet. I still see many people who seem to have good intentions and who struggle against the inclination of our hearts towards evil. 
    • Today, I think God's view of humanity is different. I think we are seen through the lens of Jesus' blood and the hope that it provides for our salvation. I think God's grief was complete on the cross. 
  • Today, do people make similar choices? 
    • Today, I think it is still hard for people who are wrapped up in ideologies and lifestyles of sin to see out of the justifications and out of the lifestyle and know that they have the choice to change. I know that for me, often times it takes a loving and truthful voice for me to see areas of sin in my life and to be able to repent of them.
    • Today, God still chooses to wait until our sin has reached it's max. He is not eager to jump in and intervene with justice or harsh punishments. He is patient, even when our sin has caused Him grief and pain.
So thankful that God is so patient and that He sends voices of love and truth into our lives to help us repent and change of our sinful ways! I am so thankful that He cares and doesn't ignore us, even when we are at our worst!
Observations, Applications, Thoughts? 


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