What choices were made?
- Peter and John chose to go to the temple for prayer at three in the afternoon.
- Someone chose to carry a man who was lame from birth to the Temple gate daily.
- The lame man chose to ask Peter and John for money.
- Peter and John looked straight at him and chose to make a human connection with him.
- Peter chose to give the man something silver and gold couldn't buy.
- The man chose to go with Peter and John into the temple.
- The man chose to praise God.
- What was the short term impact and some of the long term results of these choices?
- The lame man was in a place to reach out to Peter and John because of the nameless person who chose to be faithful in carrying him.
- The man was healed of being lame.
- The people of the temple were filled with awe and astonishment at what had happened to him.
- The person (and/or people) who carried the man to the temple daily no longer had to carry him.
- The story was recorded in the book of Acts for the next few thousand years.

- Today, does God ever allow faithful servants ever go unnamed while those they served experience miracles and fill others with awe and astonishment with their testimonies? The person and/or people who carried the lame man to and from the gate every single day in this story seems like one of those people. I actually have a personal theory that this is God's heavenly strategy for multiplying heavenly rewards. Jesus said in Mark 9:35, "If anyone wants to be first, he must be last and the servant of all." I think this verse suggests that God often allows His most faithful servants to be overlooked when it comes to earthly glory so that their heavenly glory may be even greater.
- Today, does God ever give us something better than what we asked for? Umm, yes. My marriage testimony is evidence enough of that in my life. I wanted to be a nun so that my heart would definitely never get broken. Instead, God gave me the husband I thought didn't exist. I'm actually reminded of a picture I've seen floating around online (posted to the left). I think God is in the business of filling His children with awe over how much He loves them. Insert David Crowder Song Here.
I think that's all for this one. Be encouraged if you're an unrecognized servant, eternal glory is waiting for you! Also, know that God loves you no matter your story as His child, He loves you and desires to give you more than You would even believe He could. Maybe the Psalmist said it best when He said, "Delight yourself in the Lord and He will give you the desires of your heart." -Psalm 37:4
As always, other observations, applications, and thoughts welcome in the comments section!
Yours Truly,
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